Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Channeling My Inner Steve Jobs - Cynics, Critics, Dreams - Workology

Channeling My Inner Steve Jobs - Cynics, Critics, Dreams Channeling My Inner Steve Jobs I said to myself last night, I would not write a blog post about Steve Jobs, and yet here I am.  Im writing a blog post about Steve Jobs. Last night I received speaker evaluations from a conference where I spoke at earlier this year.  My speaker scores were near perfect, and I received some amazing comments ranging from awesome, Her session to changed my thoughts on social media, to the following: she did not give any backpack advice, just stories on how she bullies, tells random stuff about herself that nobody cares. Never let her present again While I enjoying writing and speaking hearing criticism is very, very hard for me.  Why? Because we all want to be liked, and Im sure that Steve Jobs was no different.  My goal has always been to push the industry to comfortable yet necessary places within the human resources and recruiting industries.  And sometimes, changing an industry is hard.  So imagine how hard it is to change the entire human race. Channeling My Inner Steve Jobs Steve Jobs didnt always have raving fans, and he wasnt perfect.  He was an orphan who didnt graduate from college and follow a traditional life or career path.  He flourished, and didnt let the naysayer and criticisms get in his way.  He succeeded, and with his passing like many I am very sad.  But Im also inspired.  Steve Jobs represents what one can do if they break all the rules and follow a different, crazy path. Ryan Estis  is also someone who I admire wrote about Steve Jobs on his blog this morning.  Ryan shared a video, which I am posting below about Steve Jobs.  While Id like to tell you this blog post is for my blog readers and those that stumble upon this article, this blog post and accompanying video is really for myself.  To remind me that being a success doesnt mean that everyone will love and praise you.  Being a success means that youve forced people to think, learn, and interpret the world differently.  And if I was able to do that for one person when I speak in front of a group, Ive accomplished my goal.  Yes, this blog post is for me to return to, read, and remember that wherever we go there will be  cynics  and critics, but what matters most if your family, your friends, and your dreams.  Lifes too short to worry about anything else.

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