Saturday, December 28, 2019

How Long A Meeting Should Really Be, According to a Communications Expert

How Long A Meeting Should Really Be, According to a Communications ExpertHow Long A Meeting Should Really Be, According to a Communications Expert When was the last time you walked out of a meeting feeling energized, excited, motivated, clear-headed? Exactly. Those meetings are rare.At best, the good ones represent only half of all meetings . But even then, of all meeting attendees across the country, 91% say they daydream and 73% do other work. Its estimated that $37 billion in salary cost is wasted each year in having people attend unnecessary meetings.Okay, so lets huddle. Something is terribly wrong with meetings. Surely we can address or fix this? For now, here are three suggestions concerning time, purpose and content the basic components of every sit-down chat.One-hour meetings. Did you ever wonder why meetings are scheduled in one-hour time blocks? My guess is because its easy, and calendars have always readily enabled the one-hour time block. But do meetings need to last one hour? Absolutely not.Meetings can be 15 or 30 minutes just as easily as they can be 60. The standard one-hour meetings including and especially the ones that run over happen as a result of someone a) doing what weve always done, and/or b) preferring to process or review everything in a group setting rather than giving it critical thought or vetting it with critical others first.From now on, think before you send the meeting invite. What is this meeting for? Who really needs to attend? How many of the attendees really need to speak? How much discussion time does there need to be? Do I even need to call a group together or would it be better to meet one-on-one with a select few first and then call the group together later? If/when I call everyone together, how much time do we realistically need? Is the topic/issue worth that amount of time? Thoroughly think through these questions and plan before you schedulePlain and simple have an end-game in mind or dont have the meeting. Ask yourself What is my desired outcome? What do I hope or need to accomplish by calling this meeting? If you are the meeting leader, you need to be clear about the meetings purpose and articulate it at the top of the meeting. It sets context, expectations, and it helps you keep everyone on track. You are not obliged to build consensus about the purpose of the meeting. Rather, you establish the purpose and then move the meeting along to achieve it. Prior to the start of each meeting, ask yourself What do I need to accomplish? Then, turn that into a sentence for your meeting opener and build your agenda around it. Your purpose, or desired outcome, becomes the litmus test if an agenda item, discussion point, or even a particular person is not going to contribute to accomplishing the end-game, feel free to omit from the meeting. Likewise, if you cannot identify a clear purpose or desired outcome, then perhaps you need to revisit the validity of calling a meeting.To r un a tight meeting, you should also ask yourself What has to happen in bestellung to arrive at the desired outcome? Will we need to inform, collaborate, share, process, decide? What verb best describes the type of communication that needs to take place?Curate the meeting agenda so its content reflects what you are trying to accomplish, keeping the end-game in mind. All too often, meeting agendas are built around participants and ensuring that certain people get air time. Dont worry about them, worry instead about the meetings effectiveness and time well spentBy focusing on these three primary components, the foundation for each meeting will be rock solid. And from there, you can begin fine-tuning any minor details. You may even find that different structures are appropriate for different teams, and thats okay Theres no science or formula for the perfect meeting, but establishing a basic framework and slowly determining what works and what doesnt can make all the difference.

Monday, December 23, 2019

9 Ways You Can Still Land a Summer Internship

9 Ways You Can Still Land a Summer Internship9 Ways You Can Still Land a Summer InternshipYou are in college, you want an internship for this summer, and you do bedrngnis have anything firmly lined up. So what should you do?1. Keep ProspectingUntil you have an offer in writing, you must keep prospecting. Verbal conversations that say we are going to offer you a role, OR we are working on it, dont count and are NOT binding. You only have one, this summer. Keep hunting until you have a solid offer.2. Stay OrganizedJob (or intern) searches have a lot of contacts, follow-ups and next actions in play simultaneously. You need a centralized document that you can use to stay focused and make sure nothing falls through the cracks.3. Where There Was InterestOK, you spoke to a recruiter or hiring manager at a company and you felt great. You thought they were interested, and you would have accepted if offered but they went silent. Continue to go after them. Let them know you are talking to other s but have them on the top of your list (if you do). People who hire are very busy and sometimes they too drop the ball. Further, they are speaking to multiple candidates but only have X number if internships. Stay visible and attempt to connect (Voice Mail or Email a couple of times a week). If you follow up professionally, it will increase the fact that you are the kind of professional they want to employ. But, again, keep seeking other offers if they have not solidified one with you.4. Go to the Career Center for GuidanceBrainstorming with a qualified professional can help if you are stalled or trying to better the hand before you. The Career Center can help in two waysThey knows companies that might be a fit for you and are hiringThey can help with both your search and the skills you employ5.Follow Up with the Recruiters You Have MetDuring your search, if you have done it right, you have amassed contacts that have become a part of your network. Follow up and engage with them. Th ey may have not had an available role when you last spoke, but maybe a candidate they were pursuing just dropped out, OR, they know of another recruiter that could use you.6. Review People in Your Network and Seek AssistanceMake sure you are leveraging everyone you know, includingProfessorsAdvisorsFriends who are looking or have already secured an internship for the summer. (People in this latter group might have taken one but have another two that they would have taken if they didnt get the one they just accepted. The best technique here if for them to introduce you.)Friends and familyFormer employers7.See if There Are Any More Career Fairs on CampusThere are generally more recruiting functions than the semesters Career Fair. Often colleges within the university have their own.8. Go To Sites Where Great Internships Are PostedYou can go to some great sites and search for internships. By way of example, Vault lists both internships and jobs. Additionally, they show what interns thoug ht of the experience after they left. A wealth of information is to be had.9. Reach Out to a Mentor to Game PlanIf youre stuck, reach out to a ratgeber and try to kick around some ideas, then implement that advice.What you cannot do is nothing. You have to continue to apply yourself and dont give up. Internships are the stepping-stones to multiple offers.Final note it is not just about scoring an internship, it is about nailing that internship. When you do secure one, know it is a 60-day job interview and you want to nail it. Nailing it begins right now, prior to showing up. Here is afour step processin order to do just that.Good luck.A version of this post previously appeared on LearnEarnRetire.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

3 Times You Have to Confront a Problem at Work - The Muse

3 Times You Have to Confront a Problem at Work - The Muse3 Times You Have to Confront a Problem at WorkNo matter how much you love your job, youre bound to encounter a situation that makes you want to hide under your desk until the moment passes. That desire to hide away and avoid facing the music, so to speak, isnt caused by any single thing. What rattles one person may leid rattle another. Some people flee at the first sign of conflict, others run from team-building and bonding time, and others still shy away when an angry customer or pushy sales rep surfaces.While it can be a wise move to avoid confrontation if its unlikely to change anything, avoidance is not a smart tactic if your lack of action threatens to impede your performance. In this case, youve got to suck it up and deal with the problem, which, more often than not, is actually just your mindset- and not the situation itself. Here are some examples of what Im talking about1. When Youre Falling Behind on a ProjectYou dont really like your project. Or youre overwhelmed by it. When you think about it, you feel tired, so you keep pushing it aside, and now youre behind.What to DoStop thinking of the big picture, the final product. Instead, think small steps. Replace, Ive got to write a strategic plan for my department- ugh with something more strategic and digestible I need to critically review the last plan. Then I need to review any relevant research that has been published since the plan was written. Once Im in a good place with that, Ill departure meeting with stakeholders.Breaking it down like this helps you take a monster of a project and put it into terms you can work with immediately. If you give yourself a road map for getting it done, youll stop falling behind and starting making strides. Anytime you feel bogged down, try to identify a single, manageable step to start with, and watch as all of those little steps add up to measurable progress with your consistent effort.Whatll Happen if You Don tWhile there are plenty of legitimate reasons a project may take longer than expected- budget constraints or a change in leadership, for example- your disinterest or failure to address challenges dont qualify. If you arent getting things done, your value as an employee may be called into question. Keep that from happening one small step at a time. 2. When Your Colleagues Wrecking Your ProductivityYouve got a colleague whos taken to camping out next to your desk, inserting himself into your work, basically impeding your progress- totally unaware that youre starting to get annoyed. Your reluctance to be rude has you politely tolerating the intrusions.What to DoYoure worried about being mean, but whos really the bad guy here? This co-worker is either disrespectful and selfish or stunningly obtuse. Either way, indulging him is an act of self-sabotage, and thats a road you dont want to go down. Theres no universal mandate to be mean when setting boundaries. Keep it simple. Start typing w hile hes crouching on your territory. Without taking your eyes from the computer, say, Oh, I just got an email that I have to respond to- catch up with you later? Be blunt but kind, I hate to cut it short today, but Ive got a deadline looming. Simply staring straight ahead and avoiding direct conversation will usually signal to another person that its time to leave you be. You can do all of these things with a smile and a firm tone.If youve tried the subtle tactics above to no avail, the problem warrants a straightforward conversation with your colleague. Make it clear this is about your work. You can say something like, Im really struggling to stay on top of my work and our conversations are cutting into my time. Im starting to get questions about my projects. Right now, I just cant afford to spend any extra time chatting. Whatll Happen if You DontIf you dont wrest control of your time back from your co-worker, you may start to get a reputation as someone who neglects work to socia lize. Combine that reputation with a lack of productivity, and youre going to have one angry boss on your hands. If the relationship with your managers more important than the one with your chatty colleague, demonstrate its importance by shutting down the intrusions so you can be the dependable and efficient person you want to be.3. When You Mess UpYou jacked up a project that created a headache for others or you said something you shouldnt have and upset someone. The temptation to just slink to your desk and keep blinders on until 500 arrives is strong.What To DoPeople mess up all the time. Just pay attention the next time youre in the break room and youll hear people complaining about their colleagues mishaps to one another. Own your mistake and make the necessary apologies. This step alone can do wonders for your relationships and reputation because an honest apology is powerful (and rare). Once youve done what you can to make things right, analyze the mistake. If youre willing t o do the work of figuring out how you got to the point of making the error and how you can avoid it in the future, youre making a smart investment in yourself. Whatll Happen if You DontYour boss doesnt expect perfection from you. But she will absolutely watch the way you handle blunders, because thatll tell her a great deal about your character and future potential. Make it clear that youre worth her investment, blunders and all.You may never particularly like dealing with an uncomfortable situation, and not all uncomfortable situations warrant action on your part. Sometimes the wise course of action is to simply walk away, let a minor disagreement go, or remind yourself, This isnt my battle.But sometimes, it will be your battle. If your productivity, reputation, or job is on the line, you cant afford to hide under your desk. Learning to navigate the very situations that make you want to bolt for the exit is a critical long-term lesson because these challenges will arise throughout your career. You may not approach these situations the same way as another person or the same way described in this article and thats OK. You must, however, figure out how to address them professionally and effectively so that your reputation remains intact, your productivity remains high, and your career trajectory continues on the path you desire. Once youve confronted the issue, you can break out those chips and reward yourself for maintaining a peaceful and productive frame of mind. Photo of people at table courtesy of PeopleImages/Getty Images.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to become the best version of yourself

How to become the best version of yurselfHow to become the best version of yourselfA lot of partieal development content focuses on things like productivity, health, wealth and happiness. Which is fine, except these goals can overshadow the fruchtwein important question you should ask yourselfWhat kind of person do I want to be?I spent over twenty-six years in law enforcement, and my career taught me volumes about people and their darker motivations.Thats me before I retired, trying to look spiffy in my uniform.Specifically, I elendiced three ugly qualities that prevent people from becoming better versions of themselvesGreedVanityAddiction- - - Having it allSome people equate success with having it all, but this can become a slippery slope. The appetite for success devolves into greed.An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a persons main task in life - becoming a better person. - Leo TolstoyI met many millionaires in m y career who were unhappy, negative people. It surprised me, because it looked like they had it all. But deep down, they hadnt done the work of figuring out what kind of person they wanted to be.Its not to say that achieving wealth is a bad thing. There were some millionaires I met who were happy, generous and wonderful people. But surprisingly, it seemed like they were the minority.There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man true nobility is being superior to your former self. - Ernest Hemingway- - - Sacrifice for othersIts not surprising, in our culture of entertainment and celebrities, that a lot of people succumb to vanity. We all want to look good.The problem is that some people spend enormous amounts of time, energy and money on their looks, at the expense of developing their character.Becoming the best version of yourself requires more than sculpted muscles, waxed chests and whitened teeth. It requires intellectual enrichment, empathy, sacrifice for others, and the most important quality of all kindness.Much like plank variations and crunches can strengthen our core, showing kindness towards others can strengthen our character. The more we help others, the more we enrich ourselves with a sense of peace and goodness.Setting aside time to interact with our spouses and children may not make us more money, nor will it move the needle with our Crossfit goals. It will do something greater.It will convey true love, create fond memories, solidify our family relationships and deepen our character.Men and women who sacrifice for their spouses, kids, friends and even strangers, achieve a kind of grace. They are happy because they are doing the right thing, and the right thing doesnt always align with our dreams of wealth and vanity.All things in moderationPerhaps more than greed and vanity, addictions account for the most grief in peoples lives. My father was fond of the saying all things in moderation.The problem is that we like some things too much. We pursue them at all costs, and become addicted.Before long, our lives fall out of balance. The addiction becomes a hole inside us that we can never fill. Surely, no one asks themselves what kind of person they want to be and answers, an addict.We are all familiar with the most destructive addictions. Drugs, alcohol, and sexual misbehavior. How many politicians, movie stars and every day people have succumbed?We crucify ourselves between two thieves regret for yesterday and fear of tomorrow. - Fulton OurslerThere are so many other addictions out there. Social media addiction. Food addiction. Addiction to drama. Even healthy pursuits like fitness can become a destructive addiction when taken too far.The good news is that addictions can be treated. By asking yourself what kind of person you want to be, you can begin the process. You can make changes and become the best version of yourself. And there are always professionals ready to help you.Consider this powerful quote in an a rticle by Zdravko Cvijetic.Someone once told me the definition of Hell The last day you have on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become. - AnonymousThe best version of youNo two people are exactly alike, and so the best versions of ourselves will vary. Mother Teresas best version is different than Nelson Mandelas.I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, Wheres the self-help section? She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. - Steven WrightThe common thread is a sort of grace. Its why we most admire heroes. People who put themselves second for the betterment of others. People who asked the question, and figured out what kind of person they wanted to be.Its the teachers, firefighters, police officers and nurses who sacrifice to help others. Its the stranger who helps an elderly woman across the street.Or the man who stopped and helped change your tire.The woman who helped you when you dropped all your groceries.Perhaps the next hero will be you?Before you goIm John P. Weiss. I draw old school, handcrafted cartoons and write about life. Get on my free email listherefor the latest cartoons and blog posts.Thisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Why Absolutely Everyone Is Talking About Resume Edge

Why Absolutely Everyone Is Talking About Resume Edge You have a whole lot of topics to write. Now you have the words on paper, return to each list and think of which items are related to your target job. The template was designed by the skilled writers at ResumeEdge. Resume Rabbit also supplies you with identity protection. For that reason, its important to understand what appears where. Use what you want to, but dont make it unnecessarily long. You must get rid of them. What to Expect From Resume Edge? Many job seekers neglect to observe the worth in the range of people managed or volume of money raised or saved. There truly is a lot to gain in a situation like this. In some instances, you are able to even use these to your benefit. When theres a typical acronym or abbreviation for a term in your industry, be certain to spell it out at least one time in your resume, in the event the individual reading your resume isnt familiarized with the abbreviation. Youll disco ver strategies about how to earn progress in the job searching process, but you will also see rather irrelevant posts. Be certain to emphasize how you intend to utilize your experience and knowledge in the new position. When youre finished, return to each job and think of what you may have done above and beyond the call of duty. The computerized applicant tracking programs utilized by the majority of companies enable the recruiter or hiring manager to personalize their list for each work opening, so its an evolving process. You may get your social websites profile up and prepared in 2 days. Furthermora, Resumeedge tells you you will get your very first draft within seven days and then you can offer feedback and get a 2nd version within another 7 days. So, options are absolutely limited. The Good, the Bad and Resume Edge The company comes with a contact number at the site. There are not any outstanding features to be found on the site. Looking at it, its obvious that the bus iness has just updated their site. Lets look at a few distinct examples of how testimonials can enhance your site and drive more sales. The Resume Edge Game Its unusual for resume organizations to give discounts for regular customers because their objective is to make customers land work, meaning they would rarely will need to come back to the service for one more application again. Keep in mind, you can select and choose which testimonial you would like to use Not every customer appreciates the specific same thing from your goods. While each of the feedback you get is useful, you shouldnt utilize all of it. Resume samples can be seen online, which offers a good chance to check whether you feel Resume Edge will offer the end product that youre searching for. Once you get the order from the service, youve got 24 hours to request a completely free revision. It does take them quite some opportunity to respond to your email, so if youre in a rush, that may not be the ideal optio n for you. Guarantee of someone strategy and plagiarism-free text. The culture a little one lives is another element which affects their growth. Not just for the people who lack in time, these kinds of templates are also of terrific use for those people who doesnt have good hands in designing but desire to draft a professional looking infographic resume. The very first template on the list features an elegant black and white modern resume design that could be used for any sort of job in any business. You are able to use whichever style you would like. Surfon team wanted to create a tool which will make it possible for users to continue web browsing sessions from 1 device to another. Actually, the templates which were used are very much the very same as templates found on lots of the do-it-yourself resume sites. Drafting a great infographic resume is a time intensive and a tricky undertaking and therefore to assist you with the very same, various infographic resume template s are readily available. If you have started out, be thinking of your resume all of the time. Keep in mind, your resume is only an enticer, a means to acquire your foot in the door. My answer is always, No, you dont need to list each and every position youve ever held. With a good answer in hand, youre guaranteed to achieve your preferred destination

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Writing Lab Technician Resume with No Example

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Writing Lab Technician Resume with No Example In that case, then you were cross-trained, and you may consider yurself flexible. As an example, volunteering may also be written in the shape of experience. If you have not ever worked before, youre annoyed in regards to completing the work history section. If youre looking for a new a job for a chemistry lab instructor, its important to make a CV that reflects the relevant abilities and abilities in addition to highlighting your most important strengths. A titelblatt letter is a valuable tool which often acts as your very first contact with a possible employer. Your email address needs to be professional. By using the examples of resumes, you wont only be in a position to add correct and precise info in your resume but will likewise be able to impress your prospective employer. Writing resume with the assistance of resume templates readily available on the net has become the most effective metho d of writing resumes that ensure that youre using the correct format and correct information that is appropriate for the job youre applying for. New Step by Step Roadmap for Writing Lab Technician Resume with No Example There are sample entries that may supply you with general ideas about how to create your qualifications and skills appear better. Its fast and simple to use. Each and every work type needs different sort of resumes. To submit an application for a position for a phlebotomist, you must have a resume that gives employers an insight on how they wont regret hiring you. To help you make the sort of technician objective that will boost your resumes probability of succeeding, you want to understand whats important to the employer for hiring a technician. Keep reading to understand how to begin a resume so you may discover your ideal job. Thus, while writing an effective resume, you must rationalize your abilities and abilities to provide the most effective services , so the employer would discover that its simple to relate your profile to the given position. Details of Writing Lab Technician Resume with No Example As you have understood that if youve got a perfect and specially tailored resume in your hand as you opt for the interview, you will be sure to impress your prospective boss. Resume is not merely a document. however, it defines you and is the very first important key that ensures your prospective employer takes interest in you. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional way. Everybody is attempting to present their very best of knowledge to their employers so as to safeguard their position within the business. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Writing Lab Technician Resume with No Example Is Wrong Job Seekers that are looking for Sarkari Naukri in India can become here. Find out how to begin a resume so that you can craft the perfect one for your possible job. Youre so ready for your very first job for a phelbotomist Or it may be used as a healthcare stepping-stone job. What Writing Lab Technician Resume with No Example Is - and What it Is Not Experienced technician with good organizational abilities and the capacity to help in budget preparation and ensure its followed. To learn more on what it requires to be a Laboratory Technician, have a look at our complete Laboratory Technician Job Description. In addition, you can look for laboratory technician jobs on Monster. If youre asking for work in a hospital or other sort of health facility, being trained in one of the a variety of specializations supplied by the National Pharmacy Technician Association (NPTA) is an extra bonus.